Things To Know About Home Electric Vehicle Chargers

Things To Know About Home Electric Vehicle Chargers

Those considering an electric vehicle for their next automobile purchase will want to think about charging. Most EV owners charge their vehicles at home overnight so they can be fully charged in the morning without the need for public charging stations. In any case, it’s crucial to know what’s out there for home chargers, so you can avoid extra costs and surprises when it’s time to have it installed.

Above: A Tesla Model 3 and an Audio E-Tron (Image: Casey Murphy / EVANNEX).

Axios journalist Joann Muller recently shared several important tips for those considering installing an electric car charger at home. For one, the typical 120-volt wall socket that comes with most EV purchases can take up to one or two days to fully recharge a vehicle, so most owners find it reasonable to upgrade to a Level 2 charger.

Tesla, for example, offers the 240-volt Wall Connector which it says can add roughly 44 miles of range per hour to a vehicle’s battery. A number of companies also offer third-party charging options for other EV brands, though users will want to be sure they buy a Level 2 or 240-volt charger for similar speeds. The most common charger types offer 32 amps, 40 amps, 50 amps and as many as 80 amps, with higher amperage levels charging EVs more quickly.

To be sure, EV owners will probably want to charge their vehicles overnight to take advantage of off-peak electrical hours — resulting in cheaper electricity — and to give their vehicles ample time to recharge. These are additional reasons that home charging is an ideal solution, as it’s usually cheaper than recharging at charging stations.

However, it may not always be necessary to go with the highest-powered charging equipment, unless you’re future-proofing. For most, a middle-of-the-run home charger will be enough to fully charge their EVs when charging overnight. If you also have solar, then your charging costs may be offset completely, essentially resulting in “free” charging.

Muller also notes that some may be eligible for federal and state tax incentives and utility rebates for installing a home charger. You will need to hire an electrician so they can look at your electrical load and ensure your wiring circuit is suitable for use with a home EV charger. She also adds that some automakers will cover the cost of installation fees when you purchase their equipment.

As for cost, the price of the actual charging hardware can range from $300 to $800, depending on which charger you pick. According to HomeAdvisor, the average installation costs are between $526 and $1,315, though there can also be added costs if you need to upgrade your wiring or main electrical panel.

You can find our EV home-charging equipment and other charging hardware here.


Source: Axios