Learn more about Tesla Model X [Tesla Eye Candy 45]
This entire Tesla Eye Candy installment is dedicated to the Tesla Model X. In both a curated gallery of photos we've uncovered (on Instagram) along with three helpful "walk-through" videos, this blog post should provide you with a deeper insight into the critically-acclaimed Tesla Model X. First, let's take a closer look at the beautiful exterior design cues of the Tesla Model X in a handful of Instagram photos...
Source: @magautosport
Next up, let's watch the Model X through the lens of our favorite three "walk-through" videos that we've come across (thus far). We usually only feature one Tesla Eye Candy video, but, since Model X fever is extremely strong amongst those of us in the Tesla community, we're over-delivering in this installment with three thorough overviews of the Model X. To that end, each video brings a unique perspective to the new Tesla Model X. And, if you're like us and anxiously awaiting your Model X delivery, you'll surely enjoy all three videos. A warning though: after watching these videos, you'll likely get even more excited anticipating when that delivery date is finally going to happen! Enjoy...
Source: Arstastic Tips, Marcus Adolfsson, JH Photography
What we've showcased in our Tesla Eye Candy series is just a sampling of the great stuff we've come across on Instagram and Youtube. So, if you enjoy this series, we encourage you to follow us on Instagram and Youtube (and our other social media channels). Also, we regularly feature Tesla Eye Candy blog posts, so be sure to look out for our weekly series. And, if there are any images (or video) you think we should feature, just contact us.