Voice of God says buy Tesla stock [Video]

The 'Voice of God' that everyone loves is, of course, Morgan Freeman. His voice has been the powerful backdrop of movies like "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Million Dollar Baby," and he literally told the "Story of God" on National Geographic channel. He's also played God himself in the film "Bruce Almighty" in which his resonant voice was put to good use. Well... now Freeman has spoken from above once again. His proclamation? It's time to buy Tesla stock.

Above: (left) Academy Award winning actor Morgan Freeman sporting his Tesla hat photographed by Renáta Mia Köhlerová; (right) Morgan Freeman is his Signature Red Tesla Model S / Source: mia.kohlerovaValueWalk 

In an interview with CNBC* (see below), Freeman admits to checking stocks while on set. When asked which stocks he owns, he replies, "I own Tesla. I'm a huge fan of Elon Musk and I think he's got the most forward-thinking ideas." He also points to Musk's incredible tech achievements at SpaceX. And, as clearly evidenced in the photos above, Freeman is also a proud Tesla owner.


Above: Morgan Freeman discusses why he owns Tesla stock and his enormous respect for Elon Musk (Source: CNBC*)

Although Freeman may appear to be a bit older than the young Silicon Valley image associated with Tesla, it's interesting to note the wide age range of Tesla Motors [NASDAQ: TSLA] investors. CNBC* reports that: "The stocks that millennials love to buy... among their favorites is Tesla." Furthermore, they report: "One argument for paying up for Elon Musk's automaker is the clean energy play... Boomers also like electric cars, to an extent. Tesla was the 10th most-traded stock for that age group but didn't make the list of top 10 stocks bought. The electric car maker is ninth on the millennials' top-traded list and 10th most-bought."

Above: 10 most-traded and most-bought stocks in the first half of 2016 (CNBC* via TD Ameritrade)

But let's get back to the star power associated with the Tesla brand. It turns out that Morgan Freeman isn't the only celebrity who owns a Tesla. Top supermodels and some rather famous SpaceX fans also seem to dig Tesla too, along with a bunch of celebrities who either own (or rave about) Tesla's electric vehicles. And, we recently reported on the growing list of sports stars and professional athletes who own a Tesla as well. 


Youtube: RevelationsEnt1 via Science Channel

In any event, it's great to see Morgan Freeman throwing his support behind Tesla Motors and Elon Musk. To that end, Freeman also prominently featured Elon Musk (see above) in an interview on Science Channel's "Man vs. the Universe" discussing the prospect of humans living on Mars one day. Now, we just need the 'Voice of God' actor to add his voice to Tesla's GPS — whoops, looks like we're too late — Freeman already added it to Google’s free navigation app, Waze.


*Source: CNBC (Morgan Freeman interview) / CNBC (TD Ameritrade Study)